July: So I haven't posted anything this month, not that anyone reads this, but I have had some fun times. This is the first year that nobody in my family did fireworks, except for pops and sparklers. Jeremy and I have had some burgers this month, but the best one in my opinion is the burger dog or burger log that Jake made on the 2nd of July. I've been able to take some pictures with our new Holga lenses and filters. I think they are awesome (not necessarily the pictures but the lenses) and fun to use. (see pictures below)

Gab: My awesome 15 year old nice Gabrielle was babysitting my neighbors' two cats, two horses, and giant dog for three weeks. It was really fun to have her so close that long! It was almost like the days when she lived at my mothers as a 4 year old and Gabi5, except now she is Gabi15. She even occasionally had one of her cute siblings that I love over for a couple nights. She showed me how to do my nails really cool, that reminds me, I should paint them again, I just picked the pretty old paint off. We did lots of things like make butterfly cupcakes, eat outside, make skirts and a dress, and play games. My other visiting nieces (Lili, Emily, and Savannah) also had a lot of fun with her. Now that she is back at her home, I really miss her. I wish she could just live with us.

Making things: Yes, I did make a dress (I'm wearing it in my 2nd anniversary picture in tomorrows post). It is cute but at the same time it makes me look either like a little kid, pioneer, or polygamist. I should probably cut my hair or something so that I don't look like those things. ---If anyone reads this please tell me what you think my hair should be like.--- Jeremy cut my feet out of the picture, what a silly. I also learned to crochet baby booties. They're cute and I want to crochet other things as well.

Video: Jeremy and I were in a video that a friend made as an entry to Neon Trees "Your Surrender video contest." It is kind of like Romeo and Juliet or West Side Story. Jeremy was part of the Asian gang and I was part of the Caucasian gang.
Cool: Something that is really cool for the second time is that Jeremy and my anniversary is tomorrow!!!! We were wanting to go camping after church but I don't think that will work because it is supposed to rain or something. I love summer rain but I wish we could go camping because we haven't ever done anything like that together.